Understanding Divine Placement and Alignment


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Trying to find your place by going from house to house and church to church is not the way to find your place or get into position. The Father has a specific assignment for you in a specific place to a specific people. Very few of us are called to the body at large, but we all are called to a body local, so let’s go — go where? Go to the place The Father has determined for you from the foundation of the world…your body connection!

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Learn to understand the importance of proper placement and alignment in the body of Christ and what to do when you find your place.

There are so many people who are out of place and position in the Body of Christ and many of them say that they are doing God’s will even when they cannot stay in one place. Consequently, many are in places The Lord did not send them nor have they been placed there by Him. Yet, they stay in places of pain and never fulfill their destiny in God.

Do you love people enough to help take them out of their pain?

Understanding divine placement and alignment is about finding your God-given assignment in the place He has set you in the Body of Christ and the local assembly. If you truly want to be where God wants you, then stop trying to place yourself and allow Him to set you so that you can grow.

CD1: Seven Blessings of Divine Placement: #1-4
CD2: Seven Blessings of Divine Placement: #5-7


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