I once heard something very powerful from my spiritual mentor who asked me the question, How you living?
Although it was rhetorical, because we always get into some deep conversations, the question prompted me to dig deeper into the subject as I observe people behavior.
One thing I’ve regularly observed is that many Christians, and no christians alike are claiming salvation of the gospel by doing their good deed and going to church, praying, and reading their bible, which are all commendable.
However, Christ came to teach us how to live the Bible (the word of God) outside the church everyday and be victorious doing it.
For as many people that you ask to define what it means to live life God’s way, you’ll probably get just as many different answers.
This disparity in responses is like trying to describe the wind and its direction, because at any given time the conditions can change.
Living Life as Free as The Wind
Galatians 5:16 in the Amplified Bible says, But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
That’s pretty powerful right there! You see… if we are going to live life as free as the wind, then we have to know how the wind moves.
Ruach is the Hebrew word for “wind” (it even sounds like the wind). It’s also the Hebrew word for “Spirit.”
Also in Hebrew, the combined words Ruach HaKodesh literally means “the Holy Wind” or “the Holy Spirit.” This means that when we live our lives in opposition to the Spirit—when we walk beneath our potential (sin) —it’s like walking against the Wind, so we become tired.
Aerodynamically, walking against the wind creates drag. So when we live our lives in opposition to the Ruach (wind, spirit), life becomes a drag.
God doesn’t want that!
That’s why He calls us to walk with the Spirit, in the way of love, faith and purity. It’s a life of dying to self.

It’s Really Not That Hard To Do
It’s not too hard to live God’s way; it’s very hard not to.
Walking with the Lord is actually the easiest path. The Spirit is the Ruach, so when we walk in Him, the Wind is with us! If we walk with the Ruach, with the Wind at our backs, we won’t get tired, and life won’t drag.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are struggling and burdened, and I will give you rest…. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
Is life a drag? Do you want real life? The answer, my friend, is moving in the Ruach, the Spirit and the wind. It’s as simple as turning around. Walking in the Spirit, and life won’t be a drag, but a breeze!
Commit to laying down your burden or anything creating “drag” in your life, and commit to taking one step to walk in the way of life in the Spirit.
When you do, you’ll be too busy soaring in the wind that you won’t have time to drag!
Make it easy on yourself and start Living Your Life Gods Way as He intended, because it gets easer with His help.
Copyright ©2020 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.