In a world that is rapidly changing, people are finding themselves sluggish, frustrated and even depleted spiritually due the consistent bombardment of negative noise, energy and information.
People are working out and eating healthy to stay fit physically, which is great. But, how can you remain strong mentally and strengthen yourself spiritually against all the attacks coming at your mind and heart?
Isaiah 40:29 says,
God gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.” (NKJV).
Here are 7 Tips to Help STRENGTHEN YOU During the Pandemic.
Now, I’m not prescribing some cure-all formula that’s going to work for everyone; however, these helpful strategies are some of my foundational principles from my personal development journey that I’ve used for years to maintain a consistent and progressively growing spiritual life with God.
And I’m sharing them with you because I believe they will help you as well. And if you stay around until the end I have a bonus tip for you. Ok, let’s go!
TIP #1 – Pray! Now I know this should be an obvious one and some may say really, that’s the best you got? But, hold up a minute. I’m not just talking about your regular times of prayer, but I’m talking about speaking to God throughout your day to develop a praying spirit.
Using prayer as a continual method of communication and communion with God, which is healthy for developing an ongoing relationship. This is what the Bible refers to as, Praying without ceasing. Let prayer become habit-forming. Which brings me to…
TIP #2 – Develop a Routine. A routine is so important and essential, because it keeps us organized, structured and efficient during our day and our time at home. A routine also helps us remain focused on what we need to accomplish, especially when interruptions or distractions arise.
I’ve often said, especially to our leaders that everyone needs to have a calendar and keep a schedule, especially if you’re going to produce results and be able to measure those results. Having a routine helps you do just that.
TIP #3 – Read! If you find yourself idle and with hours of free time, instead of zoning out and letting your mind wander you can keep your mind sharp and engaged by reading a good book. Of course, my favorite book to read is the Bible and I can spend hours in the scriptures. I suggest you ensure it too is at the top of your reading list as well. There’s no better tool in my arsenal for gaining strength.
Additionally, I do like to read help books to learn something new or develop a new skill, I enjoy the newspaper over watching the news, tech manuals are another favorite and don’t forget about a fun publication to laugh and lighten things up. Keep books handy and plan reading time as part of your routine as coveted in tip number two. What’s your favorite book to read? Let me know in the comments below. Which brings me to my next, and what’s probably going to be the most challenging tip for many of you yet, and that’s…

TIP #4 – UNPLUG! I know for some of you it’s a hard one, but during this pandemic, if you are going to strengthen your faith, renew your mind and refresh your mental state you must have times when you turn off the computer, the cell phone and social media! I believe this tip is not optional, but vitally mandatory in maintaining a healthy mind and balanced spiritual life.
You cannot take on all the negative and frivolous information coming from those devices constantly and expect to remain strengthened and encouraged. If you’re not careful the noise coming from them will drain your energy, promote fear to disturb your peace and sap your joy. Here’s something you can do instead…take a break! Which is…
TIP #5 – Take a Break. Take a break from consuming the fake news, hanging out on social media and being around negative people. Not only do you waste a lot of time being unproductive in these activities, a lot of what you hear and read doesn’t offer much hope nor does it add anything to your peace. Instead, take a walk. Get some fresh air.
Yes, go outside the great outdoors is waiting for you. And just relax and breath! My wife and I love sitting out on the patio for hours each day, when it is not too hot of course; and enjoying the cool breeze, watching the birds and other wildlife around our house and just talking and reflecting. We also sleep so much better after a few hours breathing in that fresh air. Which leads me to…
TIP #6 – Do Something Fun. When was the last time you had fun? It amazes me that people today don’t seem to have hobbies or things they enjoy doing if it’s not connected to some electronic device. I know many young people don’t know much about a world before electronics.
But, what happened to the days when people’s creative ability to entertaining themselves was limitless? Before those devices were around we came up with ways to play and enjoy ourselves. Don’t let what’s happening today keep you stuck in the house thinking you can do nothing. If you are restricted from traveling, use your front or backyard as a playground or get away, play a board game or do some gardening. Order from that favorite restaurant and have a cheat meal, or cook one yourself.

But, find ways to enjoy life as a reminder that there’s still so much more to living than this pandemic is presenting. If you need some ideals, hit me up and I’ll help you find some things to do. And finally…
TIP #7 – Rest and Sleep. This is one I am re-learning. One thing I look forward to nowadays is taking a nap. I know, you say I don’t have time, I’m too busy. For years, I was like that and not a fan of naps, and my brain paid the price for it. Now I find them so refreshing and they help me be more productive during my workday.
Then, get in the bed at a decent hour and sleep! Turn off the cell phone and tablet at least 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed. No cell phone or TV bright lights prior to sleep time. Studies show the light wakes the brain back up when it’s trying to shut down. So, a nap, along with a full night’s sleep can help the body reset, recharge and rebuild.
Well, some of you have stayed here with me until the end – thank you, thank you – and because you did, I have a bonus tip for you coming up. But, before I give you that, here is a question for you: What is your best tip so far? Tell me in the comments below. Ok then, here is my…
BONUS TIP – Get Social! Humans are social beings by design. We’re made for connection. During this time of physical separation, don’t neglect to keep in touch with those you can have contact with, such as your family, friends and loved ones. Consider having them over for some food, fun and fellowship.
Technology shouldn’t become the new social norm, connection was meant to be. With many churches remaining closed and maintaining social distance it’s very difficult to get much personal contact today. To complicate things further, the fear many have in regathering is going to change the dynamic of true body ministry.
So, I’m encouraging you to start that home fellowship, bible study group or coffee meetup time. People all around us are hurting, lost, confused and bewildered and in need of your touch more now than ever. So go socialize!
Copyright ©2020 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.