Too often our potential has not been realized because of a belief not based in truth. And our mind has been conditioned to accept that limitation as fact.
It has been said, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
According to scientist and neurologists, the complexities of the mind are continually being understood.
Although it’s widely accepted that man has the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind there’s no wonder he’s his greatest enemy and does not truly know who he is. He has too many minds warring within himself…
This warring of self-identity in your mind creates a daily battlefield, that if not controlled and balanced will cause you to drift from truth and belief and accept and even create alternate realities as fact.
Your beliefs are either created by you, handed down to you or forced upon you.
But, no matter where those beliefs are formed it’s in your mind they shape your reality and help you form your truth.
It is in the mind you form your views.
And those views impact your thoughts.
And your thoughts determine your actions.
Your actions form your habits.
Those habits shape your character.
Your character directly impacts and determines your destiny.
And it’s in the wrapper of that destiny your passion and purpose is found.
Why does all this matter?
It matters because, Your Beliefs are Tied to Your Thoughts & Decisions.
To realign your life with the truth of your original identity and discover your purpose, you must continually evaluate what you believe and where those beliefs truly originate for you.

Ask Yourself
- What do you believe?
- Why do you believe it?
- Who taught you what you believe?
- What is the consequence, if there is any, of not believing it?
This sequence of thought is important to understand, because it’s how your mind looks at every problem you face and how you attack or approach that problem.
If your thinking is to go directly at the problem, because you believe there is a problem, then your focus will solely be on the behavior you think causes the problem.
However, when you only see problems in your life, there’s a misunderstanding of the purpose of the “perceived” problem.
By making a commitment to start or stop doing something, only because you see it as problem (behavior), you don’t get to the root of the issue, which is the thought that produces the behavior.
And as I said earlier, your thoughts determine your actions (behaviors).
Problems are a manifestation of a misunderstanding in our thinking.
You see, you don’t have a problem! You have a lack of understanding why something you view as a problem even exist.
And in this case, why is your behavior the way that it is! Why are you saying, acting or doing certain this?
It’s because you mind has been conditioned to belief those things you say, act and do.
When you change your way of thinking, which is rooted in what you have been falsely taught to believe, you’ll begin to see every “perceived” problem as an opportunity for greater understanding and will not only change your behavior, but your thinking that leads to the behavior.
Want to reach your potential?
Change what you’ve been taught to believe about yourself, because it’s limiting what you think and say about yourself.
If you’re going to achieve your purpose in life, you must change your limiting beliefs so you can change your thinking.
You can’t do it until you think it. And you have to believe it to think it!
Start today by cleansing your thoughts of all negative and unfounded opinions about yourself you’ve held as your beliefs.
Take a moment and start each day with fresh and new affirmations about who you are and what you can do.
Ask God for help, confess to Him all the things you’ve allowed into your mind and heart that shouldn’t be there. Give Him control of the rest of your life, one day at a time.
Seek coaches and mentors that’ll hold you accountable for what you want to achieve in life who’ll help you discover your passion and uncover your reason for being (purpose).
Copyright ©2022 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.