You CAN change it…But, you must identify it, before you can!

Contrary to what you’ve heard, everything you hear cannot be believed…

…because, the first step to changing your limiting beliefs is to identify them and where they come from.

You need to understand the thoughts you’re dealing with and, to a lesser extent, where these beliefs come from. 

Once you identify them, you can work to change them, walk in your purpose and have the confidence to chase your dreams.

That’s what I am good at helping my clients do…

The All Powerful Oz

For example… have you ever seen the film The Wizard Of Oz?

There’s a deceptive scene in the film which is a great example of how a limiting belief is formed through hearing and thought…

At the end of the film, Dorothy and her gang have finally found the Wizard, known as the great Oz.

Yet, no one has actually seen him… they’ve only heard he exists and some have actually heard his voice.

However, as Dorothy and her companions stood there, finally in the presence of The Great Oz, hidden behind the curtain, listening to his booming voice…

Toto, the dog, runs over to the curtain, and the mischievous little pooch pulls on the curtain…

…and it falls down, revealing a man who is pulling on levers and shouting into a gadget that makes his voice sound loud and deep.

It’s at this point the gang sees that the scary, powerful wizard wasn’t so scary and powerful at all.

And the great power he had was just an illusion built up through thoughts of what they’d heard and not actually what was true.

This is a perfect metaphor for what happens when you truly start to grasp that you don’t need to believe everything you think.

That you can have thoughts…but not buy into them.

When negative thoughts come they won’t be believed – it’s like they just give up.

Just like the man pretending to be the Wizard.

They drop away, just as the curtain dropped and the truth about Oz was revealed.

Interestingly enough, after each of them presented their case to the wizard, they found what they were looking for was always inside them.

They had developed what they were searching for over the long and troublesome journey of the yellow brick road to see the wizard.

But, they chose to believe something about themselves other than that truth… 

…thoughts that had been formed over time…

…that had developed into negative limiting beliefs about what they didn’t have or couldn’t do.

All of which wasn’t true!

You Don’t Need a Wizard

They didn’t need a wizard, they needed wisdom and insight…

A solution to the problem.

The man behind the Wizard of Oz facade only needed to share with them the breakthrough insight of what they already had within them…

…help them the talents, abilities, gifts and skills they hadn’t tapped into yet…

…many of which had served them well throughout their journey this far.

A truly powerful human being is someone who can experience their thinking…

…and if it’s negative…

…they don’t buy into it, believe it and get consumed by it.

Once they get this breakthrough they can forge ahead, without doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs.

That’s what I help people to do.

In my Radical Shifts training, I help people to see through the power of thoughts, so that they have more inner freedom, peace and faith to do what they dream and live the purpose-driven life they were created to live more abundantly.

So, next time you, a client, friend or family member get caught up in negative thinking…

Think of Toto and the Wizard of Oz.

And come to know that the thought only has power over you if you believe it to be true…

I’ve got the right strategies you need for doing all this in my training, so if you’re ready to SHIFT, hit me up so we can do it for you this year!


Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.

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Further reading

Is Doubt Getting The Best Of You?

You OK! I’m sensing… you might have a bit of self doubt right now! …And I get it! Starting a business or ministry or launching your passion is tough...

Failing to Launch My Dream

It’s depressing to have a vision, passion or service and be stuck unable to launch it! Wouldn’t you agree? You know you have a great idea for your...

A Vision without Clear Purpose

There’s nothing more frustrating and disappointing in life then… …to have a vision, passion or service you want to launch and haven’t yet, because...