You feel you’re ready… But you’re wrestling with these two common problems…

…And I hear them quite often  from purpose-driven kingdom-minded business and ministry leaders that are looking into my systems and programs and they are:

  • I don’t know how to launch my vision or business and get the results I want! I have been told over and over what to do, but something isn’t clicking. I can’t seem to get started and when I do, I fall off.


  • I know what I want to do but just can’t seem to do it. I get overwhelmed and start to self-sabotage. I get stuck in my own head over and over and I just don’t know how to get out of my own way. 

Both of these problems are not new or unique, because we’ve all faced them at some point while pursuing or building our own vision from our dream to our present reality.

And most help out there will give you the “what” you need to do all day and keep the how all to themselves. Even after you brought their course or program.

Well, that’s why I take a different approach, than most coaches and mentors, when helping you solve these two problems.

My life purpose coaching background gives me a unique perspective on these problems, because I not only face them myself…

…I’m transparent enough to admit that each time you set a new level to achieve and the goal is one you’ve not hit before you can get in your head and in your own way.

But, the strategies I teach and the system I use helps me get through every time! That’s right every time!

I’m actually working on the next “high-level” goal in my life right now that is stretching me like never before… but each day I am accomplishing what I need to in order to get there.

And it’s exciting and rewarding! (You can hear more about this in my coaching intensive as I show you how I’m building the next level of my life’s purpose – so you can too.)

Those two problems are actually rooted in limiting beliefs of fear, which leads to doubt and procrastination…

…so I actually use a specific coaching structure (model, mimic and master) to help you identify where your thoughts and limiting beliefs are coming from, so you can overcome them.

Then you can rinse and repeat the process for as many new goals you set for your life. It’s really amazing once you develop the habit and consistently practice it.

I help you get to the ROOT of the problem QUICKLY and help you launch your vision, passion or business – and I’m doing it in the next 45 days.

You  can continue to pour positivity and motivation on top of negative roots, and it will change the way you feel temporarily,… BUT never permanently?

If you want permanent change, you need continuous, consistent, committed and intentional action.

That’s why I’ve introduced my Life and Business Performance Coaching as a packaged deal with some new things I’m doing – to help people get and maintain this level of breakthrough. 

The Radical Shift Coaching Intensive I’ve put together is a life-changing and revolutionary opportunity for you to break the old mindsets and limitations you, someone or circumstances have placed on your life and live your dream.

Face it, things in the world are not getting any easier or better, in some cases, but you can develop an overcoming mindset and unbreakable spirit to thrive in any environment.

If you are reading this and you want to launch your life in the direction of your passion and purpose and get results in the next 45-days, I want to teach you my strategies and give you the tools you need to launch your vision, so you can become the most powerful version of yourself you can be!

If you’re struggling with your purpose, and can’t get out of your own way, these strategies and methods will help you both personally and professionally, so you can finally have the kind of faith and work ethic it takes to show up, AND be more equipped to help those you are called to!

No more waiting – delaying – procrastinating, I’d love to help you!

I have a new solution, not just another program, I’m working on AND I have a few mini-workshops I’ll be doing over the next few weeks to show you the power of what’s possible for you if you ACT.

I really want to hear from you to see if you are someone who is ready to start digging in and making the changes it takes to build the success and life you want!

You can apply for the INTENSIVE HERE, and if it feels like a good fit, we’ll connect and get started on the next steps.

My strategies and methods taught in this workshop are invaluable to your purpose-driven journey.

See you soon!!!

Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.

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Further reading

Is Doubt Getting The Best Of You?

You OK! I’m sensing… you might have a bit of self doubt right now! …And I get it! Starting a business or ministry or launching your passion is tough...

Failing to Launch My Dream

It’s depressing to have a vision, passion or service and be stuck unable to launch it! Wouldn’t you agree? You know you have a great idea for your...

A Vision without Clear Purpose

There’s nothing more frustrating and disappointing in life then… …to have a vision, passion or service you want to launch and haven’t yet, because...