But, before I give them to you {first_name}, I want to say something really IMPORTANT…
Something BIGGER than any product or service anyone can sell to you.
And that is your IMPACT.
Because fulfilling your purpose in life comes down to two things:
#1: Who do you have the courage and faith to become?
— Are you brave enough to embrace your uniqueness?
— Are you great at something only you do?
— Did you live with authenticity?
— Are you living in accordance with your own values and truth?
#2: Who do you have a passion to help with your uniqueness?
— How much value do you want to create?
— How many people do you want to deeply impact?
— What kind of life do you want to build that others can model?
The bottom line?
YOU have to believe in YOU. And take ACTION on what YOU believe.
Because the world needs to see your mastery.
The world needs you to transform lives.
And the world needs you to TAKE ACTION…
…even when things are scary and uncertain.
Don’t give up on your vision and ambition…
No matter what!
Commit to NO EXCUSES!
Because beneath every excuse is a FEAR.
But beneath every ACCOMPLISHED athlete, professional, thought leader and entrepreneur…
…is the strength to PERSEVERE and PURSUE their PASSION.
Bravery is a muscle.
Creativity is a muscle.
Mastery is a muscle.
Use it or lose it.
So if you want to 2x, 3x or 4x your IMPACT…
You need to make 2x, 3x or 4x the investment in yourself. Your education. Your business.
When you know more, you can produce more, and you can achieve more.
STILL don’t believe me?
Then start believing in YOURSELF.
Because you give yourself what you feel you deserve.
If you don’t feel you deserve greatness, you’ll find ways to sabotage yourself.
So if you’re not getting what you deserve…
Think about this:
— Are you getting in your own way?
— Are you struggling to be and do what you’re made to do?
— Are you spinning your wheels?
Maybe it’s time to give yourself what you TRULY deserve by Shifting Your Limiting Beliefs and Tapping into Your Divine Purpose.
Whether or not you decide to join us today…
— Be better.
— Be amazing.
Stop w-a-i-t-i-n-g for the perfect story.
The “perfect” timing.
The “perfect” website.
The “perfect” course.
The “perfect” idea.
The “perfect” mentor.
The “perfect” anything.
Things and people will never be perfect!
So stop waiting – wasting time – and procrastinating…
Other people deserve to hear your story.
Other people deserve to have your help.
Other people deserve to experience what you have to offer.
You were UNIQUELY MADE to do this.
Step up to the plate. It’s your time.
And we’d love to help.
You can make a Radical Shift in Your Thinking…
Our training special ends January 30th and prices will increase.
The ONLY place to get this special offer is using this link… Radical Shift Bootcamp Training
If you’re ready to get past the mindset issues keeping you stuck from fulfilling your purpose and making the impact you envision, then this course is for you.
The mind wants us to settle, but the heart wants what the heart wants…
And your heart has been yearning to do something spectacular with your life!
I look forward to seeing you on the inside…
Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.