If you’re ready to stop starting over every year, have the courage to live EVERY day like a new year’s day.
Have you said any of these statements this past year?
“It is the way it is.”
“There’s nothing I can do about it.”
“Things won’t change for me.”
Tough times make it abundantly clear who has a growth mindset (I CAN) vs. who has a fixed mindset (I CAN’T).
You thought you had time…
And then…
As the clock struck midnight…
…it was 2023!
And as quickly as that, 2022 had passed.
Yep, just like that another year in the books and you are not any closer to what you dreamed. Am I right about it {first_name}?
Many people love the start of a new year.
The reason being, it feels like an opportunity for a fresh start.
Question is – WHY?
Why does it feel like a fresh start?
It’s purely because of the way people are LOOKING at it…
They are using the new year as a reason to feel optimistic, set goals and let go of the past year.
Let me say that again…

They are using the new year as a reason to feel optimistic, set goals and let go of the past year!
Don’t Use the New Year as a Reason to Start Over
A new year feels exciting and filled with opportunity.
And yet…
All it is is another day and the way you LOOK at it makes it exciting.
I want you to understand that – EVERY day can feel like a new year’s day.
The start of a new year isn’t the only day when you should wake up and let go of the past and feel optimistic about the future.
You truly can feel that way every day.
Every…single…day…brings the potential of new exciting opportunities and possibilities and transformations.
For you and your family or friends or clients.
So, if you feel excited about the turning of the year…
…take note that…
…it’s possible to feel that every single day.
You just need to look at each day as a fresh start in the same way people look at a new year as one.
Do that and life will feel amazing!
Don’t Be Like Most…
…who’ll take the time to reflect, think about making some changes, and get excited about the coming year, but a month, two or three later do nothing different than they have done before.
I’ve been there many times in the years past.
Because, after a couple weeks or months, the excitement wears off and they find myself back in the same routines and habits.
Maybe you’ve been there as well.
I want to help you break that cycle and make a real change in your life during one of my Brainstorm sessions.
Now, I don’t normally do this, but I’m freeing up my schedule to speak with a few people during the first 3-months of the year.
Because, I want to help at least 5-7 people this year to start living the life they envision – fulfilling their call and purpose – as God has determined them to live it.
To schedule your session, go HERE and learn more and apply.
Here’s what we will do on the call:
- We will identify one specific goal you have and identify the fear or limiting belief keeping you from doing it, so you can start making changes right now.
- I will give you specifics on what you want to do to accomplish that goal, by providing clarity with a 3-step action plan, so you can start doing it today.
Now, you can take the information I share with you on the call and go out there and continue doing it on your own. No problem! You’ll have what you need to do just that.
Or you can take step #3 with me and,
3. Let me personally mentor you and show you how best to get there sooner, rather than later. We’ll work together to get you the results you want to start living out your purpose aligned with your unique calling – whether it be to leave your 9-5; advance in your current job or career, or start your own business or ministry.
Imagine having a roadmap along with an experienced guide to help you get to the purpose-driven life and the outcome you deserve!
That’s exciting, isn’t it? …so let’s make 2023 your year!
I truly want this year to bring you everything you dream of, desire and work toward.
I’ve got an exciting announcement coming in the weeks ahead… so keep an eye on your email.
Let’s start this year with a bang!
Not just one of excitement, but massive action that produces explosive results!
And I am here to help you get started or continue pursuing your purpose… just hit me up! >> https://baingram.com/brainstorm <<
Here’s to Y(our) best year yet…
Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.