How to Silence Your Fear So You Don’t Quit on Your Dreams

I’m going to be give you three specific things to work on right now to help you silence your fear so you don’t quit on your dreams..

If you’re out there today and you have a dream, you have a desire, you have a vision, you have a goal, you have something that you want to do, something that you want to accomplish, but yet you’re still not able to for some reason…

You’re still hindered in some way, or you still have a roadblock in the way.

The most common thing I find, as I council and coach people when we drill down into all the surface things that they respond to we come down to the number one common thing and that is FEAR!

We all deal with fear and various ways at various levels and it can be triggered by a whole host of things.

And although, I can’t go through all of the triggers and all of the mechanisms or let you know all of the strategies pertaining to fear, I’m going to give you three specific things that you can begin working on right now, you can do to silence that fear that comes up in your mind so you don’t quit on your dreams.

I want you to do something with me today because I really want you to participate in this training with me because I believe in affirmations. I believe in confirmations. I believe in proclamations. I believe in speaking what we believe. And what we know to be true so that we can continue to hear it.

There’s a scripture in the Bible (Romans 10:17) that says faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

When we put the word out there we also hear the word that we speak and this is why we have to be careful what we say to make sure that we are saying what is conducive in an alignment with who we are and what our purpose is.

I want you to say this with me as we begin today. I want you to tell yourself this…

#1 Affirmation: Fear has no place in my life.

Fear is designed to come and to go. We’re not to hold on to fear. We’re not to embrace fear. Fear will come at us, but it’s how we respond to it that determines whether or not it takes hold of us and take root in us.

The first thing that I want to talk to you about is this…

Your fears diminish in your life when you begin to take courage.

When you begin to operate in courage fear diminishes. Courage isn’t the absence of fear, courage is taking action despite fear. Courage is just still doing even though fear may be present. Even though fear may be coming at you.

Courageous people don’t do what they do because there’s no fear in their life. Courageous people do what they do because they’ve learned not to let fear stop them.

If we want fear to diminish in our life, we have to start taking courage. We have to start taking action toward what it is we believe. What it is we know. What it is we think.

When you say I’ve developed a practice or habit of practicing courage. What you’re actually saying is I’ve developed a habit or practice of doing despite what I may feel. Despite what I may think. Despite what something may be telling me or someone else may be telling me.

The more that you demonstrate courage the more you demonstrate the ability to act regardless of how you think and how you feel or what you’re told.

The more you demonstrate that courage in your life the more courage you have available. The more strength you have available. The ability you have available to do it.

Application: Take Action to Overcome Fear

I often say to many of my coaching client, and that is this, the only way to truly overcome fear is to take action you!

You have to continually and consistently take action toward that thing you are fearful of. And if you don’t then that fear remains. That fear continue to grip you, hold you, stop you and block you and keep you from moving forward toward where it is you want to go or what it is you want to do.

We have to work to build up this courage. We have to work on ourselves to muster up this courage. I want to say to many of you who are here in this group, many of you who are posting and responding and writing, you are taking action to overcome fears that you have of being present. And showing up on social media. Being engaging. Being involved. Speaking and now letting your voice be heard. Letting your thoughts be shared among other people. 

That’s taking courage and that’s how you combat fear. That’s how you begin to overcome fear. So kudos to you and congratulations and great job!

This is why I always say to you great job. Keep pushing. Keep doing it, because you are taking those steps to tell that fear I’m not afraid to do that anymore! I’m not afraid to be present anymore! I’m not afraid to get out there anymore! I’m not afraid to speak my mind and speak my voice and share my thoughts!

No, you can’t hold me back! I’m free! I’m moving forward! I’m releasing it!

#2 Recognize Anxiety (worry) as a Trigger to Fear

You have to recognize anxiety or worry as a trigger to fear. Anxiety is worry and worry is focusing on something that’s perceived, that hasn’t happened and may not happen.

It’s a thought, that creates an emotion or feeling and it’s that feeling that leads you along the path of fearing something that hasn’t happened and may not happen. But, yet worry and anxiety triggers fear. 

You got to recognize when you begin to get anxious. When you begin to get frazzled. When you begin to have that feeling of… Oh, oh, I don’t know what to do… or I’m so uncertain… 

You need to pause! Take a break! Step back! Listen and breathe! Take a moment and realize it hasn’t happen, and it may not happen so why am I putting my time effort and energy in it?

Application: Face Fear and Do Not Run From It

When I faced a situation of uncertainty, or I face something that may cause anxiety in your life, then you have to make it a point to recognize that’s a trigger and it’s trying to lead you down the path of fear.

You have to avoid running from it. In order to get over worry and anxiety you can’t run from it you have to face it. You have to let it pass through you and pass over you.

Because that fear isn’t real! That emotion passes. That feeling passes. That thing passes. And when you look at it, after the dust has settled an after all the feelings have settled and all the emotions have settled what remains is YOU!

You are still present! You are still here! The fear has gone! The fear has passed through! And that’s what you need to let it to do, to pass through, to pass over and keep moving.

When you face it and you recognize that it’s there and it’s coming at you then you deal directly with it. You speak to it! You say, no it’s not going to take a hold of me! No, it’s not going to stop me! No, it’s not going to keep me! No, it’s not going to hinder me!

Because, you got avoid running from it and you got to run through it so that it passes through you!

Revelation – Attaching a Value System to Information Gives it Access to Your Life & Contributes toYour Fear

So as you face, whatever the situation may be. It may be some news… you heard me or talk about this topic before. I talk about stop attaching a value system to feelings and emotion because when we attach a value system to feelings any motions we actually give them power in our life.

When you hear news, it’s not good or it’s not bad, as long as you don’t attach that feeling or that emotion to it. It’s just news. 

Next time you get some news, and you do not like the news that you’ve gotten you don’t move in into fear. You don’t move into worry. You don’t move into anxiety. 

You run in it and you run through it! 

Why? Because, it may not happen. The possibility of that happening may not be present. But, if you take on the thoughts that the worse is going to happen, the bad thing is going to happen, this is going to happen, that is going happened… 

Then before you know it,  you spend all your time and effort and energy engulfed in that thing to where it just begins to pull upon your soul, pull upon your heart and pull upon your spirit and just bring you down to low place and that’s when depression sets in and we don’t need any of that in our life.

My third point today is…

Fear Diminishes When I Stand Up To It

Fear diminishes when I stand up to it. Now, I want to be clear, standing up to fear means you take a stand! You don’t move! You don’t go left! You don’t go right! You don’t go back! The only direction you go when fear comes is forward!

To go left or go right you’re trying to avoid it. If you go back you’re allowing it to push you back. You have to stand strong and stand firm and either let the fear pass over or through you or move ahead through it if it’s not moving.

You show yourself brave and exercising courage when you can stand against something.

As the enemy today, we look fear in the eye and let it know, I’m not going to be moved! I’m not going to be persuaded to get out of the way!I’m going through you or you’re going through me! There’s only one of two options cuz I’m not going back! I’m going forward! So you’re going to have to go through me and I’m going through you!

When we show that type of bravery and when we show that type of tenacity we’re dealing with fear head-on.

Now we fight! We put the things in place to battle against that fear and that is taking a stand. That is not allowing it to move you. Sway you. Push you one way or the other. But, to stand!

And when we do that, we learn that courage becomes our greatest weapon in that moment, in that hour and in that time. And our courage becomes the thing that we need, because we’re not running in fear. We’re not worrying. We’re not anxious, but we’re standing and we’re standing strong. We’re standing in faith. We’re standing in what we know and what we believe. Therefore we’re able to endure!

When we can make a stand against something that may be in opposition to us and we recognize that it has a purpose to forge us, to make us, to strengthen us, to encourage us, to get us moving in the direction that we need to, then we let that thing past. Because, we know that once its past it’s served its purpose. Has done what it was intended to do. It’s helped us become who we are intended to be. 

If we hadn’t faced the opposition’s in our life many of us wouldn’t be who. We hadn’t faced the down times and the discouraging times and troubled times and even the hard and difficult times we wouldn’t be as forged as we are. To be able to do what it is that we do.

Is that making sense? You show yourself brave when you can deal with fearful situations and circumstances. When you can stand in the midst of them. When you can know that you can exercise the courage. You can exercise the tenacity that you need to stand and not run away from it.

Then it becomes easier each time that you do that. It becomes a little easier to demonstrate more courage. Exercise more courage. To stand more diligently. Each time that you do if you get a little bit more strength to do it again. You feel yourself becoming this braver person. This courageous person. This person who is not going to be stopped because an obstacle maybe in the way.

You become the proud person that you always wanted to become when you start taking steps toward fear. Toward it and through it. When you stand against it and start taking steps toward where you want to be and what you want to do and overcoming it.

So fear now become something that just passes by and just passed through. It doesn’t mean the thought may not come. It doesn’t mean the emotion may not stir up.

You don’t give in to it! You don’t embrace it! You don’t take it as your own and own it!

In Closing

When you become a person who can:

  1. Practice courage to diminish fear
  2. Recognize the triggers in your life that contribute to that fear
  3. Stand against fear to diminish its influence

Where you able to do these three things you find yourself continually moving toward where you want to be so you don’t quit. You don’t get a spirit of discouragement to where you’re ready to just quit on what it is that you know you really want to do.

You know the life that you really want to have. You know the dream and the vision that you really see and you know that is possible to come to pass. You won’t quit on that, when you can do these three things and begin managing how fear impacts you.

You know the life that you really want to have. You know the dream and the vision that you really see and you know that is possible to come to pass. You won’t quit on that, when you can do these three things and begin managing how fear impacts you.

Different levels require different levels of courage. As we move further in life to do greater things or want to achieve greater things we face different types of opposition. We face different types of feelings and emotions and thoughts that come our way.

When you start with step 1 and 2 and then 3 you are building up the armor in your life so that you can handle greater forms of opposition that come your way. 

You have a dream and a vision to start a business. You have a dream to go into business for yourself, open up a company or even to large what you’re doing with a current company. But, you don’t quite know how. You don’t quite know what, but you know you want to and yet, fear is saying you cant! You don’t have what it takes! You’re not going to get the loan! Etc., etc., and etc.,

You have to silence all that noise! Silence all those voices! Silence all those thoughts!

And come back to being present and remember what it is your heard, believe and know!

Life Lesson

“Being Present is Re-centering Your Focus on What Have I Heard and What Do I Know and What Do I Believe!” B.A. Ingram

That’s the foundation of all out lives. It’s venters us in our purpose. And that’s where you live. That’s where you remain. That’s where you reside. It’s there that nothing affects you or impact you or can stop you!

In summary, I want you to begin living your life every day with courage. Doing something every day to take a step toward what it is that you believe, what it is that you want, what it is that you have deep down within you. Find that passionate and take a step toward it everyday.

You may need to get some help with doing that and I’ll talk to you about that in a minute.

Final Proclamations

Today, say to yourself…

– I’m taking ownership of my thought life and not allowing fear to stop me!

I’m taking ownership on how fear comes at me. I’m not going to let it stop me and blocked me. I know that sounds easier said than done, but we show you how to do that here.

Say to yourself…

– I’m not going to let negative situations or circumstances cause me to worry or get anxious and lead me to fear!

I’m going to stay in faith and believe that’s going to be taken care of.  It’s going to be handled in time. It’s going to come to pass. It is going to work out for my good.

I want to see you start moving towards your purpose and achieving your goals, but most importantly I don’t want to see you quit on your dreams! I want to see you achieve what it is you believe. I want to see you achieve what it is God has for you and I want to see you become who he said you are and do all that he said that you can do.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this video and message and that it has been helpful to you. I am B.A. Ingram and thank you for joining us today for this episode of Maximize Your Purpose and I look forward to working with you will soon.

 Take care, and God bless and we talk to you again soon. 


©2021 Copyrigh B.A. Ingram. How to Silence Your Fear So you Don’t Quit Your Dreams (20211118)

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