Learn the Principles… Live the How… Experience Life!

How would knowing the exact steps to change your negative mindset and limiting beliefs and turn this year into the year you launch your dreams, without any more delays, transform YOUR life?

It’s not just for you, you are establishing a legacy you can be proud of and one that will encourage others.

The problem with most mindset information and coaching out there is that it’s not designed specifically for YOUR life purpose. So it doesn’t show YOU how to translate YOUR passion into the vision YOU dream of and one aligned with YOUR unique calling.

When you transform your beliefs at the root, things get easier and life becomes more enjoyable.

When you learn, understand and apply the principles I’ve detailed in my 6-step mindset transformation journey, the way becomes clear, the steps to take certain and the journey rewarding.

When you change those limiting beliefs into positive “Yes, I CAN” beliefs, you begin to see exactly how to live out your passion according to the dream you envision.

When You Have A Proven System You Get Results

My proven process goes against everything you’ve been taught to believe about how to shift your fixed mindset and limited beliefs, because the focus is on YOUR unique design and not “cookie cutter” generalities, so you can…

  • go from fear and procrastination to empowerment and action,
  • pursue the life you want, even when your thoughts tell you otherwise,
  • move into fulfilling your purpose and live beyond regret.

You put in the work and you get the results {first_name}. As your coach and mentor, I’m the guide, the one that’s been there… done that… helped others do it… AND WILL HELP YOU TOO!

When you apply the practical principles I teach you, they’ll always help you achieve your desired outcome, whether it is to:

  • leave that undesirable job to pursue your passion full time,
  • advance in the existing career you love, but desire a promotion and a raise,
  • start your own business or ministry to bring value to others,
  • make more money so you can have a greater impact,
  • do whatever your negative mindset or limited belief tells you you’re incapable of.

Once you make the mindset and belief shifts, I teach you, “the how” gets you where you want to be quickly and gives you the tools and strategies to repeat the process as often as you need.

Because they’ll always be a new level and “different devil” to overcome the more you grow and seek to accomplish.

The difference now is that you have what you need in your tool bag to accomplish any goal and purposefully pursue your life’s journey.

You’re now empowered with the understanding and skills to help you work the system as often as you need, and at your own pace, so your transformation is sustainable and ongoing. 

This is my secret sauce, because every new level you want to reach comes with new challenges, which can activate new fears or resurface old ones that need overcoming.

Once you master the strategies, you now see and get excited about the new opportunities instead of fearing them.

You’re now empowered to make them happen!

If you’re ready to remove fear, beliefs that are limiting your potential and mindsets that cause you doubt, keeping you from living your purpose-driven life, then I have an opportunity for you. 

Send me an email and we’ll schedule a time to have an honest chat about where you are and where you want to be this year.

Learn the Principles… Live the How… Experience Life!


Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.

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Further reading

Is Doubt Getting The Best Of You?

You OK! I’m sensing… you might have a bit of self doubt right now! …And I get it! Starting a business or ministry or launching your passion is tough...

Failing to Launch My Dream

It’s depressing to have a vision, passion or service and be stuck unable to launch it! Wouldn’t you agree? You know you have a great idea for your...

A Vision without Clear Purpose

There’s nothing more frustrating and disappointing in life then… …to have a vision, passion or service you want to launch and haven’t yet, because...