If you learn to follow your dreams, you’ll set a great example for your family and friends… Here’s why! It’s not just for you, you are establishing a legacy you can be proud of and one that will encourage others.
Let me ask you a question: Do you believe that there’s something greater, something beyond your day-to-day job or career you are divinely designed to do in life?
Yet, you’re uncertain, fearful or have beliefs limiting your progress… keeping you from responding to the yearning in your heart.
That something… whatever you have been calling it — I truly believe it’s God and he is calling you to be greater… to do more… or start doing something if you’re not.
And I believe that He only responds to absolute FAITH!
Another word for absolute CERTAINTY.

I’ve seen in every aspect of life—whether it’s sports, performance, relationships, health—bringing certainty, a faith beyond what you see, to a situation that is uncertain, is one of the greatest resources you can have.
I’ve seen in every aspect of life—whether it’s sports, performance, relationships, health—bringing certainty, a faith beyond what you see, to a situation that is uncertain, is one of the greatest resources you can have.
And of course, there are still no guarantees in life.
There’s always a test of faith. And life is full of tests. And this past year has shown that to us all.
Every one of us, regardless of your age, gender, wealth or lack thereof, every one of us will be tested in ways we’re not ready for, multiple times…
True or false?
Life tests us to see if we can find certainty in uncertain times.
And the ultimate certainty is not that you get what you want.
The ultimate certainty is you get what your purpose requires.
The FAITH that life is benevolent, even when it looks like it’s not.
It’s trust and patience to give it time to show us.
It’s knowing that somehow everything has a higher meaning, including us.
And I believe it’s our mission in life to find it…
If we can find the higher meaning in the midst of our pain and in spite of our fear, we become a source of hope and inspiration for others.
A source of love, certainty and safety for others, and that strengthens us for our own journey and service.
Life is always happening for us, not to us.
If you develop that level of faith, you have an advantage in this game of life.
Limiting beliefs are dangerous to you fulfilling your purpose because they stop you from acting toward who you know you’re meant to be. Instead, these beliefs keep you down and kill your dreams for the future.
We don’t get big muscles from the easy stuff.
We become more because we’ve been through life’s difficulties and overcome them.
It’s never too late to conquer those fears and limiting beliefs that trick you into thinking you’re not good enough to reach your dream and fulfill your goals.
The sky’s the limit once you know the process of changing those limiting beliefs into positive “Yes, I CAN” beliefs.
I help you embrace the purpose-driven journey as the destination, instead of just dreaming about it, focused on creating ways of operating that cause you to become that person you were intended to be and do what you were intended to.
In my 12-week 1:1 intensive, I work hand in hand with you to clarify your focus and get a real good understanding of where you want to go and what may be in your way of getting there, so that you can move forward, certain in your direction, without wondering “is this the right decision, or is this really what I want?” by removing self-doubt, fear and uncertainty so you can know your purpose in life and live it abundantly.
If you are a purpose-driven kingdom-minded difference maker and you are seeking to get your dream off the vision board and into the life you want this year, with no more delays, reach out to me – I have something special for you today.
Copyright ©2023 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.