Today I am sharing some specifics of what it means to live in alignment and how we remain in alignment.
Oftentimes, things are not happening in our life because we’re out of alignment. We’re out of place and position with God. There’s many lies and errors that’s been perpetrated in Jesus name; in the name of the gospel of religion to control people. To hinder people. To hold back revelation and information from God’s people.
However, I’m going to tell you the truth, because it is the truth that will help you walk in freedom.
But, when we hold back the truth from God’s people we hinder them in their ability and capability to align with what it is God has already predestined and predetermined for their life.
You got to realize and understand first and foremost who you are… You are a one-of-a-kind original!
The Bible says, you are a masterpiece! You’ve been made by a master craftsman and there’s only one like you. Even if you got a twin — chemically, biologically you’re still not the same.
You are still unique in your own specific way and detail and the master designer has created each and every one of us specifically and individually to fulfill a purpose and an assignment.

If you don’t understand that about you and you allow what everything else is trying to dictate you be or do, you miss your purpose… you miss the alignment God has for you.
You’re shifting in and out of places and positions trying to be things… trying to do things… trying to perform things that he hasn’t destined for your life. Things that he hasn’t ordained for your life… that he hasn’t purposed for your life.
This is why we have so many people trying a bunch of stuff… trying to figure it out. We’ve been made and designed by God where we do not to have to try to figure anything out. It’s already been figured out by his holy spirit who helps us to understand what has already been done for us. What is already accomplished in us.
Look at it this way, when you came to planet Earth you had to have on a gravitational suit in order to not float away down here. You had to have something to keep you here in this Earth. But, without that, you are Without Limits… you are Limitless… you are without Limitations!
And we are only limited by our fleshly capacity to expand it. So the more of the flesh you shed the more of the life of the spirit you are able and capable of operating in.

You are a masterpiece, an original workmanship, created according to God’s design and standard!
See we become limited in our understanding… in our operation, because of the earth suit that we live in. But, if you take yourself out of the parameters, the boundaries, and the hindrances of an earth suit you are a being of unlimited capacity and potential!
This is how we have to operate… this is how we have to be retrained to operate and refocus to operate so that the limitations that this realm tries to place upon us don’t hinder us from our assignment. This is why alignment is so important.
We got to see ourselves as this product of God’s workmanship, because a product of his workmanship performed the way that the manufacturer has determined that it performs. People are malfunctioning and misbehaving and mis-performing because they don’t want to submit to the manufacturer’s instruction and design.

For example, a car is a car, is a car… we got different makes, we got different models, but at the end of the day it is an automobile… it is a vehicle for transportation designed to operate a specific way, designed to perform a specific purpose.
We are products designed for a specific purpose, design to operate a specific way. Design to complete a specific function. Too many want to do something someone else has been designed to do.
If you are Corvette you can’t be a Volkswagen. If you’re Volkswagen you can’t be a Corvette. I don’t care how much you could super-fuel you put in that Volkswagen is not going to be a Corvette. Two different designs… two different purposes… two different functions… two different rides… two different levels of comfort.
The VW got to be content being the VW the Corvette got to be content being the Corvette. The Corvette may not be the car to drive long distance, but I can get in that VW and ride on that tank of gas for a minute. But when I get in that Vet and I punch it I’m going to burn out that fuel very fast. It’s designed to fulfill a function for a specific period of time.
You and I need to know when and how we’ve been designed, so when we are fulfilling our purpose and our function we do it to the best of our capability… to the best of our manufacturers design and instructions. And when it’s our time to get out the way we get out of the way and make room for someone or something else.
Because the manufactured knows in his mind in his design how you and I are to perform. How we are to function, because we’ve been created to solve a problem, perform a service, provide a service, and perform a function. Only the manufacturer knows the intent of his product, this is why we have to stay connected to him.
Aside from what our parents want us to be… aside from what society wants us to be… aside from what people want us to be… we got to get into an understanding of what God has created us to be.
When we stay in God’s process, and many of you are in God’s process right now… he’s trying to help you understand some things… decipher some things… get clarity on some things… get understanding on some things…
And I know that’s uncomfortable; trust me I’ve been there… walk there… lived there… it is uncomfortable when you’re being stretched… when you’re been pulled …when you’re being internally processed …when you’re going through this purging… and purifying… and washing… and cleansing it is never comfortable… it’s never easy!
But, it is necessary! Because, if you go through it and you go through it properly… and you go through it thoroughly… you won’t have to go back through it again. You come through it one time.
And each time you have to go to the next level, it becomes easier for you to go through it, because you already understand the purpose of why it’s occurring.
But man… here’s the challenge — man has attempted to remove or rewrite or misinterpret the instructions of God through a Greek religious understanding… a humanistic mindset instead of a spiritual perspective.
We don’t see God through true spiritual eyes. We see him through religious interpretation of scripture. But man, in his feeble attempts to try to understand a Heavenly God with a human mind has not only caused confusion, it’s caused many of us failure time and time and time again.
Many have been on this performance wheel. Thinking they have to perform in order for God to do.
Remember what I said earlier, you are a spiritual being that is occupying an earth-suit because of the realm that you live in. So, if you did not live in this realm… you did not have this coat of flesh hindering you… you are Limitless!
And this is how you have to begin thinking about yourself…
Copyright 2020 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.