Finding Motivation to Overcome Mindset Monkeys Of Procrastination

Motivation is the affirmative desire to accomplish something. IIt is not a prerequisite for accomplishing it, though it sure can help. When you’re not feeling motivated, getting things accomplished can feel like an enormous burden.

So, clearly, it’s in your best interest to find your motivation. But the question is how? The truth is motivation isn’t a feeling. Rather, it’s a manifestation of thought, and you can create it by adjusting your mindset.  The key is dealing with the bad little Mindset monkeys – those negativity in your thoughts that say “ you won’t make it”, “just give up and forget it” or ‘everyone is doing great except you”.

Mindset monkeys

Don’t let those negative mindset monkeys steal your motivation for what you really want to accomplish. The challenge is to refocus your mind with determination, learn to grateful for where you are now, and find your passion for what you desire and get motivated again.

Like the saying goes, “If you fall off the horse, brush yourself off, take a deep breath, and get back on it!” 

So, one way to change the narrative is to literally change the negative voice in your head and start listening to the truth of the one instead. The one that says, “kinder words, more encouraging words, be calmer, be grateful, focuses on uplifting things, and as well as have a good sense of humor… “. Motivation says, time to try again. It’s not over yet!

Give yourself a break!

Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself and adjust your mindset! Take time to confront, evaluate, and overcome those negative mindset monkeys. Seek to replace them with faith, hope and declarations from God’s Word.

Once you have a renewed mindset (that one that is motivated to accomplish your goals), receive His strength as you trust in The Almighty God to help you to refocus your mind in confidence for better things for your life.

Declare today…

I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me!

Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:14, KJV)

Copyright 2020 Mona Lisa Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.

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Further reading

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