The foremost and number one question I’m asked more often than not is, “What is my purpose?” And not to be vague or avoid the question, I often respond with the following question, “What have you been prepared and housed to birth and do for God?”
But very few people equate this question of purpose to God. If they do have an answer it’s usually something general as I want to do something that pays well, or I have a desire to fulfill a life dream or I want to help people and be able to provide for my family and my future.
And although these are all noteworthy pursuits, none of them alone or within themselves are an answer to the age-old question and pursuit of what is my purpose.
Short way around
In years past, when I was much younger, more foolish and liked to hear myself talk, I would give long and draw out answers. Philosophical and dictionary defined responses that only stirred more questions.

However, through my years of study, mentoring and even wrestling with this question myself, I have grown in wisdom and now look to define things simply and succinctly.
So, without wasting any more of your time I’ve come to simply define purpose as, “living in divine alignment.”
Purpose is living in divine alignment.
B.A. Ingram
Is it that simple?
It sounds simple, but I assure you for most people it’s more difficult to achieve than it should be. Not because God has made it difficult, but because human beings have made it complex. There’s something about human nature that complicates the simplest of things.
The Heavenly Father, God the creator has already created us for what He has predestined us to do. We are His making. The process of learning, understanding and embracing that fact is what is equipping us for what we have been made to do. (Ephesians 2:10, NASB)

You are a masterpiece, an original workmanship!
You are a “Masterpiece”; a piece the master has made as an original, one of a kind workmanship! Father has prepared you a body.
Just as Mary was the vessel prepared to house and birth the anointed One, the Messiah to be the solution for man’s disconnection from God.
You too are a product and you been created to perform a function, solve a problem, or provide a service. Only the manufacturer knows the intent of His workmanship. He’s put that anointing in you.
But, imperfections in the product creates malfunctions in performance. And are not the intentions of the manufacturer. Things that have infected the clay, silver or the gold during the process are in violation of the manufacturers instructions or intentions.
The original problem
Man has attempted to remove, rewrite and misinterpret the instructions of the original manufacturer through embracing a Greek and humanistic mindset, thus violating the original design…through the false-reality of “free will”.
Because, he refuses to be governed by the laws of God and would rather be ruled by the laws of a fallen nature.
This disastrous worldview has contributed to being marred in the creation process through the fall and continuance of Adam’s sin.
What was Adams sin? In Genesis 3, Father YAH had to ask him the question of where he was? He was hiding, because he’d forgotten his purpose. Flaws were now part of his design. Therefore, because of his fall we have to be recreated, reborn, and redesigned.
We have to once again learn how to operate according to the original manufacturers instructions. To operate contrary to the manufacturers instructions is to curse the manufacturer. Speak ill of His design and creation. To say He has made a mistake.
The regeneration process is the usage the product finds itself going through in its remaking. Understanding this helps you settle and cooperate during the process. You see God is not doing something to you, but in and through you to become what He predetermined you to become and do what He ordained you to do.
If you do not understand a thing you will misuse and abuse a thing.
B.A. Ingram
Each of us has a purpose for which we have been created. (Jeremiah 1:5) If you do not understand a thing you will misuse and abuse a thing. When we understand purpose, we realize we were formed in God’s mind before our parents came together. We were called and chosen in Gods mind long before mans selection, appointment or approval.
The solution
David said, in God’s book I have been written before time and I delight to do His will, because His word is within my heart. (Psalm 40:8). In other words, God has already written who I am and what I’ve been created to do in Gods book and His book is in my heart.
With that new knowledge, how can you fail? How can you not know who you are and what you are to do?
There’s only one way and that is by denying Him in you and refusing to deny yourself of following your own path and not the one He’s already written for you.
You are perfectly equipped to accomplish all that He has called you to do in Christ (the anointing) living in you. Outside of Christ (the anointing) your life will be busy with effort, even results, but lacking true fulfillment, clarity and focus. When things are out of focus, unclear and not filling a void, we call that misalignment.
What is purpose? Simply, alignment with the divine plan of God. His divine reason for your being.
When we are aligned we can do ALL things and there’s nothing impossible to us. Glorify God with your life by getting into alignment with His will for your life.
The time is now to understand your purpose and walk in it.
Copyright 2020 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.