I know this is a controversial topic, so I do not tackle it today for that reason, but did the reason to help those who are turn between what’s being said and what needs to happen for some people.
I know that this is a controversial issue and I don’t just tackle it today just because it’s controversial that’s not the reason for me doing it.
I’m doing it because I want to help not only my clients, but help other people out there who may be a little bit confused and who are feeling a little bit put off, because when you seem to turn on social media today in any form, people are just telling everybody…
…quit your job and start your own business and do that thing!
And if you’ve heard that and you hear that, just let me know, because you hear that quite often.
Just quit your job… and if you ain’t happy go start your own thing and do your own thing.
The reason why I want to deal with this topic here early on is because when we find ourselves torn between what’s being said and what really needs to happen in your life, you are ultimately in control and responsible for that.
I know when I began many, many, many years ago; and as I said to you in the last training we can’t listen to too many voices because it causes us some time to move in too many directions and we don’t stay in one course, or one direction long enough to discover what we need to discover.
This is why when I’m working with people we start in the uncover and discovery phase, because we have to dig deep and drilled down into a lot of areas before we can just start saying do this, do that, do the next thing.
But very few people are actually taking you by the hand and walking with you and showing you and demonstrating that for you.
Here is one of the reasons I’m going to share with you that a job is good ground to begin to discover your passion. The job is great ground to discover your passion, and the reason why I can say that is because I understand the purpose of a job.
So here’s some reasons your job is good ground to discover your passion:
- It’s paid training… employers pays.
- It’s good practice ground… you can make mistakes and someone else bears the responsibility
- It’s an opportunity to try it until you like it… only place you can change until you find what you like.
- It’s where you develop and master your skills… takes at least 10,000 hours to becomes a master (approx 5/yrs 40/hrs week * 52 wks/yr = 10,400 hrs)
I’m going to break each one down a little bit here, but there’s so much more in the video below you can watch for more details and insights.
Reason #1: It’s Paid Training
No place else can you go, or nothing else can you start that you’re going to get paid to train. You get paid to learn. You get paid to do. It is an opportunity for somebody else to pay you and help pay your bills while you learn. This is why you can’t minimize a job… it’s paid training y’all! On top of that, if you’re blessed and fortunate enough to work for a company that invests in you to send you to additional training, because they want you to be able to help the company.
Your company wants you to be able to contribute to the bottom line and they want you to be able to help the company grow, so they are willing to invest in you to go to some training, to take some more training. You can’t balk at that. On top of that if it’s a company that’s doing anything well they do invest in their employees they want to see the employees do better and be better for the company they will also pay for your education.
Reason #2: It’s Good practice Ground
You can make mistakes. You can fail and sometimes you can come short and someone else has to bear the ultimate responsibility. Now, of course there are punishments and penalties in place when you are just blatantly disregarding the job and disregarding the workplace but for the most part you’re practicing. You are learning. You a student in this company. So it’s good practice ground for you to learn your skills, your craft and your trade.
Think about this, here is why doctors or lawyers or any of those type professionals, and even educators when we first entered the field we go into what’s called a residency that’s the time that you get to practice what you learned in the classroom.
Reason #3: It’s an Opportunity to Try It Until You Find What You Like
A job is the only place that you get the change anytime and as often as you need to and tell you find what it is that you like to do. You can’t afford to do that too much in your own business. You got to kind of find out what you do and find it quickly and start doing it so that you can get to the income level that you want.
But, on a job, if you don’t like this job you can go apply for another job. If you don’t like this company you can go apply for the next company. And guess what happens, you start all over again with the training with the practice and you can do that as many times as you need too until you learn who you are, why you’re here and what you’re here to do.
It’s an opportunity to try it until you find out what you like. And when you do, then you begin to apply in places that fit in your toolbox or fit within your wheelhouse or fit within your measure of what it is your gift talents and abilities are.
Reason #4: It’s Where You Develop & Master You Skills
It’s there that you begin to really develop yourself and then master your skill-set, and put in the required number of hours. It’s commonly reported and referred to in many industries, that in order to become a master or reach the master’s-level of anything it takes approximately 10,000 hours to get there.
Now, this is going to help you when you are evaluating working with people who come to you and say, I can help you do this, I can help you do that, I can help you get. The first question you need to ask them is how many years have you been doing what you’re doing? Not, how many years you’ve been switching and going all over the place, but how many years have you been doing what you are advertising and claiming to do. And if it’s less than this number that I’m about to give you, these people are not at the master level yet!
In order to be given the title or recognized as Master, this is why it’s called a master’s degree, people have put in the required time, they have the required skill set, and they met the requirement in order to now be classified as a master and that number is 10,000 hours. Here is why a job helps you get to that level.
Let’s just do the math for a second: if you work 40 hours a week on average 50 weeks a year on a job it will take you five years to get to 10,000 hours (40/hrs x 50/wks x 5/yrs = 10,000/hrs).

When you come off of that job you’re already at the hour level if you’ve been working that particular job consistently, in that particular field consistently, in that particular industry consistently, using that particular skill-set consistently, you can be considered a master teacher.
But, here is the deal… we have to evaluate those to see how you measure up and qualify for what you want to do. Many people want to transition from the job to doing their own thing and they haven’t met those requirements and are not properly trained.
It’s you experience that qualifies you to teach what you know. But, it’s your training that qualifies you as a master of what you teach.
It’s you experience that qualifies you to teach what you know. But, it’s your training that qualifies you as a master of what you teach! (That’s worth repeating…)
In Closing
So when we talked about whether or not to have a job or not have a job there’s a purpose for each and every one of us. Some people are best suited to work in an employment environment, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t feel bad about the fact that, every one else may be leaving and starting their own thing, and I’m not! But, you’re saying I like whatI do! I love what I! I make good money at what I do! Then, let nobody telling you to leave that job and don’t listen to folks who tell you to leave that because you get the itching to do something else. You stay and do what it is you love doing!
Because purpose is all about finding what you love and love what you do. When you do that, when you find that and you’ll fulfilled in that mission, in that mandate and you’re serving the people that you’re supposed to serve and you’re fulfilling the need you’re to fulfill and you’re solving the problem you’ve been designed to solve, who’s to say a job or your own enterprise is right for you?
Nobody but you! You get to make the decision what’s right for you!
So what am I saying, when you understand purpose and you understand who you are, why you are here and what you here to do, you use every opportunity that comes your way to help you become better at what it is that you do.
If you’re ready to make the transition and begin living a purpose-driven life without wasting more of your life trying to figure it out on your own.
I invite you to contact me to see if this offer is a good fit for both of us.
You can message me if you’re interested, and more information about the program is available here: https://training.baingram.com/about-pathway-to-transformation
Until next time, continue pursuing your passion for it will guide you to your purpose.
Take care and God bless!
Copyright ©2022 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.