Today, more than ever it seems people are trying to find their way and understand their purpose in life. I am passionate about helping people understand their purpose and have been working in the people development business for over 30 years.
There is no single approach that’s the right one for every individual; therefore I use diverse pedagogy to train, tune and tenure my students. I am committed to people development that guarantees change and transition in your life. My motto is: “turning passion into purpose that births a profession.”
As a lecturer, educator, college professor, former university dean and author my experiences motivated me to write my first book, “Living and Operating in Employed Faith”, my journey solidifying what I learned about staying on path for your life.
And trust me, I know a little something about adversity, trouble and trial that comes to derail you from your life’s path and purpose in life, especially if you’re not focused and haven’t found your life’s function and call.
Even with my many years in ministry, business and professional endeavors in almost every sector of society I still struggle with sharing my accomplishments, because I’ve never achieved them for others or to get ahead, but for my own value and worth as one driven to succeed and be the best I could be. My father taught me that.
Tell your story
However, I list some of my degrees and accomplishments, not to brag; but for the sole purpose of inspiring you, my students and mentees to achieve your dreams. Because, despite the circumstances or challenges that will come, and they will come; each milestone has a story, and like me you have to tell that story.
During the journey of earning my Bachelors I lost my job and my family and I was facing homelessness. Yet, I witnessed God give me the job of my dreams, and with no “formal training”, only a few years of self-taught experience, the favor of God on my life would launch me into a successful 20 year IT career. A very prosperous career. One where the boom was great to me!

While completing my Masters, I developed a case of vertigo that hindered my ability to critically analyze and compile at the high level I once did. Developing, designing and leading software teams that created some of the most complex and cost-saving software for some of America’s most successful fortune 500 companies was now no longer possible for me.
I retired from corporate America and God saw fit to bless me with a retirement I didn’t know I’d earned.
Then in 2012, during the completion of my doctoral studies an ischemic stroke would claim the right cerebellum of my brain. Forcing me to reevaluate every area of my life. This enemy would prove to be my greatest challenge yet.
After stepping aside from several of my businesses, projects and ministry the birth of my best selling book “Living and Operating in Employed Faith” would fuel the next chapter of my life. I would have to reinvent myself and all I had learned to do over the course of my life.
Time to reinvent yourself
Get comfortable being uncomfortable, if you truly want what God has for your life!
B.A. Ingram
Seeking God to determine the next path of my life helped me realize and embrace who I am and what I was called to do. I’d individually help hundreds of people and met thousands of others in my travels who had benefitted from my life and experience.
Clearly and without fear I understood I was created to be in the people development business. Conversely, for the years pursuant to my stroke I had dedicated my life, time and energy to build a diverse client roster. A team of phenomenal people from business to ministry, housewives and stay-at-home dads, to executives and laymen who are pursuing their passion daily toward fulfilling their dream of entrepreneurship.
Together we are reshaping their reality from one of fear to a lifestyle of faith…faith to achieve the possible!
Now, in the later days of my life, I find myself having to reinvent myself once again. I developed “Maximize Your Purpose.” After working many years developing overcoming believer’s, and leaning on my many years of experience evaluating the habits and attributes of both the victorious and not so victorious.
I am mentoring and coaching to help a select few high-achievers avoid the common pitfalls, and psychological challenges that keep them stuck and unfulfilled in discovering their purpose.
When you’re living the Dream—instead of chasing it! There’s nothing I love seeing more more than someone pursuing a passion and reaching their goal on their own terms.
Along with my wife we are proud to help independent business owners and entrepreneurs find their purpose through quality mentoring and coaching services—all done under one roof right here at BAIM.
I invite you to join us and let us help you “Maximize Your Purpose.”
Copyright ©2020 B.A. Ingram. All Rights Reserved. All quotes are the Authors and are not to be used without permission.